January 16, 2015


VA: Greenway operators seek higher tolls; Ramadan vows to redouble his opposition. The owners of the privately owned road, which stretches from Dulles International Airport to Leesburg, are once again seeking to raise tolls, prompting a wave of renewed frustration from commuters and public officials who have long opposed the road’s pricing. Despite years of complaints from commuters and elected leaders about the high toll rates along the 14-mile road, its operator, Toll Road Investors Partnership II, has consistently sought annual rate increases. But he isn’t stopping there, he said. He plans to introduce legislation to the General Assembly next week that would force TRIP II to lower its toll rates and apply distance pricing, so that road users would pay only for the mileage they travel. Washington Post

TX: Janek’s push for urgency in privatization push questioned. . . . It is baffling to those watching this convoluted process as to why he has placed such tight timelines on awarding a bid and of getting operations out of the state’s hands. After all, Terrell State Hospital has been a state operated institution since the 1880s. . . . While there are many instances where placing what have been traditional government operations in the hands of private operators is more efficient and in the best interest of taxpayers and those involved on the front lines, we continue to question whether such is the case for a state psychiatric hospital. It may be that is the final decision made, but the decision should be part of a broad plan to improve delivery of services. Why not let elected state officials have a say in the process and the decision? Terrell Tribune

Privatizing Nursing Home CareThe nursing home business has been a profitable one for many. As baby boomers enter their later years and require care, the customer base is undoubtedly growing. Add in the numerous insurance policies that cover nursing home and long-term care facility stays, including government programs like Medicare and Medicaid, and the sources of revenue for nursing homes are tremendous. Add to this the untenable yet unfortunately realistic incentive to cut overhead and staff levels in order to save even more money and generate greater profit margins. llinois Nursing Home Abuse Blog (blog)